Rewiring the Brain for Better Mental Health

Rewiring the Brain for Better Mental Health

Rewiring the Brain for Better Mental Health

The human brain is a complex and powerful organ that controls our thoughts, emotions, and behavior. It is also capable of changing and adapting to new experiences, a process known as neuroplasticity. By rewiring the brain, we can change old patterns and develop new habits that promote better mental health.

One way to promote neuroplasticity is through physical exercise. A 2018 literature review showed that physical exercise can promote neuroplasticity in general1. 

Exercise is beneficial for many aspects of mental health, including reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, improving mood, and enhancing cognitive function.Another way to promote neuroplasticity is through mental exercises.

Mental exercises help create new connections between neurons and generate new brain cells. This develops plasticity and builds a functional brain2.

To rewire the brain, we need to take advantage of its ability to modify its activity. Every time we learn or do something new, our brain creates a new connection.

Repeating that action reinforces such a connection. By repeating positive thoughts and behaviors, we can create new neural pathways that promote better mental health.

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